


紅外溫度檢測系統(tǒng) 自然界一切溫度高于絕對零度(-273.15°C)的物體,由于分子的熱運動,都在不停地向周圍空間輻射包括紅外波段在內(nèi)的電磁波,其輻射能量密度與物體本身的溫度關(guān)系符合普朗克(Plank)定律。人體主要輻射波長在9~10 μm的紅外線,通過對人體自身輻射紅外能量的測量,便能準確地測定人體表面溫度。由于該波長范圍內(nèi)的光線不被空氣所吸收,因而可利用人體輻射的紅外能量精確地測量人體表面溫度。人體的紅外輻射特性與它的表面溫度有著十分密切的關(guān)系,因此,通過對人體自身輻射的紅外能量的測量,便能準確地測定人體表面溫度。紅外溫度測量技術(shù)的最大優(yōu)點是測試速度快,1秒鐘以內(nèi)可測試完畢。由于它只接收人體對外發(fā)射的紅外輻射,沒有任何其它物理和化學(xué)因素作用于人體,所以對人體無任何害處。TH-IR101F 紅外測溫儀此設(shè)備由紅外傳感器和顯示報警系統(tǒng)兩部分組成,它們之間通過專用的五芯電纜連接。安裝時將紅外傳感器用支架固定在通道旁邊或大門旁邊等地方,使得被測人與紅外傳感器之間的距離相距35CM。在其旁邊擺放一張桌子,放置顯示報警系統(tǒng)。只要被測人在指定位置站立1秒鐘以上,紅外快速檢測儀就可準確測量出旅客體溫。一旦受測者體溫超過38°C,測溫儀的紅燈就會閃亮,同時發(fā)出蜂鳴聲提醒檢查人員。紅外溫度快速檢測儀為在人流量較大的公共場所降低非典的擴散和傳播提供快速、非接觸測量手段,可廣泛用于機場、海關(guān)、車站、賓館、商場、影院、寫字樓、學(xué)校等人流量較大的公共場所,對體溫超過38°C的人員進行有效篩選。具有環(huán)境溫度補償功能:紅外溫度快速檢測儀測量的是額頭表面的溫度,體表溫度不僅跟人體溫度相關(guān),而且受環(huán)境溫度、濕度、氣流、體表下血液循環(huán)和導(dǎo)熱狀況、以及表面換熱條件的影響,致使現(xiàn)有的各種紅外測溫儀在測量人體溫度時出現(xiàn)較大的測量誤差。使用特點:非接觸測量,不接觸人體,避免交叉感染,無需衛(wèi)生消毒。 檢測速度快,一般短于1秒鐘。 體溫超過38°C自動報警,檢測儀的紅燈就會閃亮,同時發(fā)出蜂鳴聲提醒檢查人員。 報警溫度自行設(shè)置,如37.5°C。 環(huán)境溫度自動補償。 無機械運動部件,使用壽命長。
提問者:網(wǎng)友 2017-10-27
Nature the whole temperatureses are high in the object of absolute zero(-273.15 ° Cs), because of molecular hot sport, all at without intermission to surroundings the space radiation include a red and outside wave band at inside of electromagnetic wave, the temperature relation between its radiation energy density and object matches the gram of Plank laws.The human body mainly radiates wave-length's infrared ray in 9~10 μ ms, passing the diagraph to radiate the red and outside energy to human body oneself, can measurese human body surface temperature accurately then.Because the ray in the wave-length's scope isn't absorbed by the air, as a result can make use of the red and outside energy of human body radiation to measure human body surface temperature by the square.The red outside of the human body radiation characteristic and its surface temperature have a very close relation, therefore passing the diagraph of red and outside energy which radiates to the human body oneself, can measurese human body surface temperature accurately then.Red and outside temperature's measuring technical biggest advantage is quickly to test speed, a second in can test to complete.Because it the red outside radiation which receive a human body to shoot outward, there is no other physicses and chemistry factor function in the human body, so to human body have no disadvantage.


