


提問者:網(wǎng)友 2018-07-23
速騰??怂笰級車兩競爭車型其賣點都采用獨立懸掛速騰叫連桿懸掛福克斯叫SLA Control Blade懸掛經(jīng)比發(fā)現(xiàn)兩懸掛相似處 Ford Control Blade Suspension A lot of attention and marketing has been coming out of Ford recently about their new Control Blade? rear suspension. Details and engineering facts are predictably sketchy but the glossy marketing brochures will tell you this revolution in rear suspension will make your Ford Focus handle better, grip the road better, and brake better than everything else on the road. It warrants some investigation when they make claims like that, but it turns out what they mean is "we've got a new suspension system", and not much else. It actually started out its life sometime around 1998 in Ford of Australia and I believe Holden had something to do with it too. Since then its become far more mainstream. So "Control Blade" is the snappy marketing name that Ford use to describe their new system. It sounds good, looks good on paper, and has an aura of 21st century - ness about it. "Blade". Ooh. Cool. The reality isn't quite so cool tho